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Selasa, 24 April 2012

English Guide Book 2


Cloud Callout: TROUGH  


·        T E N S E S:

Created by :
Yumri Thabrany, S.Pd.

32-Point Star: 2


Objective: Siswa harus dapat memahami perbedaan kata benda dapat          
                  dihitung dan tidak dapat dihitung serta menggunakannya.


Dalam bahasa Inggris kita kenal dua macam kelompok kata benda ; kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS) dan kata benda yang dapat dihitung (COUNTABLE NOUNS).
            Uncountable Nouns umumnya terdiri dari kata benda Yang merupakan zat atau bahan, baik merupakan benda padat maupun benda cair. Sedangkan Countable Nouns pada umumnya adalah benda umum yang dapat dihitung.
Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini :
Wood = kayu
Gold = emas
Silver = perak
Bronze = perunggu
Metal = logam
Flour = tepung
Coffee = kopi
Meat = daging
Water = air
Sand = pasir
Rice = nasi / beras
a table = sebuah meja
a ring = sebuah cincin
a cup = sebuah cangkir
a stove = sebuah kompor
an umbrella = sebuah payung
a cake = sebuah kue
an egg = sebuah telur
a pen = sebuah pulpen
a pail = sebuah ember
a knife = sebuah pisau
a magazine =sebuah majalah
Contoh dalam kalimat :
A). Uncountable  Nouns                                      B). Countable Nouns
      This is coffee.       - That’s tea                                          This is a table
      This is meat.          - That’s rice                                         That’s a chair
      This is water          - That’s oil                                            This is a cup
      This is ink              - That’s sand                                       That’s an umbrella
      This is gold            - That’s milk                                        This is a letter
                                                                                                That’s a stamp
                                                            dan sebagainya (etc.)
Countable nouns yang diikuti oleh kata sandang “an” adalah sbb.
                   - This is an umbrella                               - That’s an island
                     - This is an egg                                       - That’s an aeroplane
                     - This is an onion                                    - That’s an office
                                                            dan sebaganya (etc.)
Note: Semua kata benda yang huruf awalnya berartikulasi (bunyi) a, i, u, e, o
         menggunakan  “an”.

Hanya Countable Nouns yang bisa dirubah dari SINGULAR (tunggal) menjadi PLURAL (jamak). Perubahan ini melalui beberapa persyaratan.

1.    Bentuk plural pada umumnya mendapat akhiran s pada kata benda yang bentuknya singular.
Example :
a book
a cat
an egg
a pen
a bag
 2.    Jikalau kata benda singular itu berakhiran bunyi desis (hissing sound) seperti  s, ss, sh, ch, dan x, ditambah akhiran es pada plural. Misalnya ;
a bus /bas/
a glass
a brush
a bench
a box
buses /basiz/
 3. Jikalau kata benda singular itu berakhiran y  yang didahului oleh huruf mati (consonant), akhiran y itu dirubah menjadi  i  kemudian ditambah es pada plural. Misalnya :                  
a baby
a lady
a duty  /juti/
a fly  /flai/
a city                                      
a duty  /juti/
flies /flaiz/
= bayi
= wanita
= kewajiban
= lalat
= kota
 4. Akan tetapi jikalau akhiran  y itu didahului oleh huruf hidup (vowel a, i, u, 
    e, o) seperti
ay, ey, atau oy, ukup ditambah  s pada plural.                         
A day  /dei/
A key  /ki: /
A boy
days /deiz/
keys /ki : z/
boys  /boiz/                      
= hari
= kunci
=anak laki 2

5. Jikalau kata benda singular itu berakhiran  o yang didahului oleh huruf
    mati, bentuk plural  pada umumnya ditambah akhiran  es.
Misalnya :
A cargo  /ka: gou/
A hero  /hierou/
A potato /p’ teitou/
A buffalo /’baf lou/
A mosquito /m s’kitou/
cargoes  /ka: gouz/
heroes /hierouz/ 
potatoes /p’teitouz/ 
buffaloes /’baf louz/   
mosquitoes /m s’kitouz/                          
= muatan brng
= pahlawan
= kentang
= kerbau
= nyamuk
                     Exception : (cukup ditambah akhiran s ; bukan es pada plural).
A piano  /pi’onou/
A photo /’foutou/
pianos /pi’enouz/
photos  /’foutouz/
= piano
= foto
6. Tetapi jikalau akhiran o itu didahului oleh huruf hidup (a,i,u,e,o) cukup ditambah akhiran s pada plural. Misalnya :
a bamboo/’bembuw/
a radio /’reidiou/
a studio /’stu: diou/
bamboos /’bambuwz/
radios /’reidiouz/
studios  /’stu: diouz/
= bambu
= radio
= studio
 7. Jikalau kata benda singular itu berakhiran  f atau fe, dalam bentuk plural ; akhiran f dan fe itu berubah menjadi – ves. Misalnya :
a knife /’neif/
a leaf  /’li: f/
a thief /i : f/
a loaf /louf/
a wife /waif/
knives /’naivz/
leaves /’li: vz/
thieves / i : vs/
loaves /louvz/
wives /waivz/
= pisau
= daun
= pencuri
= roti bantal
= isteri
         Exception : (akhiran f dan ef tidak berubah ; cukup ditambah s ).
a roof  /ru: f/
a chief /tji: f/
a reef  /ri : f/
a proof /pru: f/
a dwarf /dwa: f/
a gulf  /galf/
a turf /t  : f/
roofs  /ru: fs/
chiefs /tji: fs/
reefs  /ri: fs/
proofs /pru: fs/
dwarfs /dwa: fs/
gulfs  /galfs/
turfs /t  : fs/
= atap
= kepala
= batu karang
= bukti
= org. cebol
= teluk
= tanah datar

8.  Ada beberapa kata benda singular yang bentuknya tidak teratur apabila dirubah menjadi plural. Misalnya :
a man  /me: n/
a woman /wum n/
a foot  /fut/
a tooth  /tu:   /
a goose  /gu: s/
a mouse  /maus/
a louse  /laus/
a child  /tjaild/
an ox  /oks/
a sheep /syi: p/
a deer  /dir/
a fish
a salmon /’sem n/
men   /men/
women  /wimin/
feet  /fit/
teeth  /ti:    /
geese  /gi:  s/
mice  /mais/
lice  /lais/
children /tjildrn/
oxen  /oksn/
sheep  /syi: p/
deer   /dir/
fishes (fishes)
salmon  /’sem n/
= org. laki -2
= org. premp.
= kaki
= gigi
= angsa
= tikus
= kutu kepala
= lembu jantan
= biri-biri
= rusa
= ikan
= ikan salmon
NOTE (catatan) : adapula beberapa Countable Nouns yang bentuknya selalu plural. 
       Misalnya :
                           shoes  /syuz/                           shorts /sot z/
                           slippers  /slip z/                        trousers /trauserz /
                           socks  /soks/                           spectacles /spekteklz/
                           stockings  /stokingz/                scissors  /sisez/
       Note (catatan)  Hanya countable noun memakai “a” atau “an”
Exercise 1.  Add “a” or “an” where necessary !!!
  1. -------- cigarette is made of -------- tobacco and -------- paper.
  2. -------- milk comes from -------- cow.
  3. We make ------- butter and --------- cheese from --------- milk.
  4. -------- window is made of --------- glass.
  5. handkerchief is made of --------- piece of cloth.
  6. -------- is made of ------- wood.
  7. -------- cat has -------- tail.
  8. -------- man eats ------- meat.
  9. -------- ring is made of -------- gold or -------- silver.
  10. -------- coffee is -------- drink.
  11. we can write -------- letter on --------- paper.
  12. -------- apple grown on --------- tree.
  13. -------- fly is -------- insect.
  14. -------- iron is -------- metal.
  15. -------- bread is made from --------- flour, and -------- flour is made from.
  16. -------- child must have -------- food.
  17. -------- sugar is nice in --------- cup of tea.
  18. We eat --------- soup with --------- spoon.
  19. I like -------- jam on --------- piece of --------- bread.
20. We can write on -------- paper or on -------- blackboard.
Exercise 2.  Add “a”,  “an”,  “some”,  or   “any” where necessary :
  1. Is there _____ homework today ?
  2. she is buying _____ cakes.
  3. Is that _____ cup of tea ?
  4. Aco is _____ unhappy boy.
  5. There isn’t _____ dust on the table.
  6. I want _____ tea spoon of milk.
  7. _____ man gave me _____ books.
  8. I see _____ chicken eggs.
  9. Does Iwan own _____ postcards?
  10. Is that _____ hawk or _____ eagle?
  11. I want _____ glass of _____ milk with _____ sugar in it.
  12. Are there _____ offices near your house?
  13. _____ of the students don’t like _____ music.
  14. There’s _____ rice and _____ plate of porridge on the table.
  15. There aren’t _____ exercise books.
  16. _____ bed made of _____ iron is better than one made of _____ wood
  17. _____ garden usually has _____ flowers in it.
  18. Give me _____ ink to write _____ letter to _____ pen friends.
  19. There is _____ language academy and _____ university in my town.
  20. Do you want _____ table spoon of sugar in you coffee ?
    Objective: Siswa dapat memahami dan menggunakan personal pronoun
                     sesuai dengan fungsinya.

                Suatu kata yang dipergunakan untuk menggantikan diri dari benda (manusia, binatang dan benda mati).
    Singular/tunggal (saya)
    Plural/jamak (kami)

    Lawan Bicara:
    Singular/tunggal (kamu)
    Plural/jamak (kalian)

    Yg Dibicarakan:
    Plural/jamak (mereka)
    Singular/tunggal (dia laki2)
    Singular (dia perempuan)
    Singular (dia benda mati, hewan, tumbuhan dll)












    PERSONAL PRONOUN dapat dikelompokkan menjadi tiga :
                ~ Sipembicara            : orang pertama          (FIRST PERSON)
                ~ Lawan bicara           : orang kedua              (SECOND PERSON)
                ~ yg. Dibicarakan       : orang ketiga              ((THIRD PERSON)
    A.    Personal Pronoun sebagai Pokok kalimat (Subject).
    Example :
    1.    I eat bread                                            
    2.    We read a book
    3.    You cook rice
    4.    They study English
    5.    He opens the door
    6.    She closes the window
    7.    It sleeps in the house
    B.    Personal Pronoun sebagai Object.
    Example : 
    1.    You phone me
    2.    They call us
    3.    Anita meets you
    4.    Mr. Rocky tells them
    5.    We teach him
    6.    I leave her
    7.    He thinks it
    C.   Personal Pronoun sebagai  (Possesive Pronoun).
    Example : 
    1.    You give me my book
    2.    They call our teacher
    3.    Mrs. Jihan writes your letter
    4.    Mother brings their cake
    5.    The cat eats his fish
    6.    I and father sell her vegetables
    7.    We wash its body

    Cloud Callout: “Practice makes perfect”

banyak latihan membuat kita semakin terampil

T E N S E S.
 ( bentuk waktu )
Objective: Siswa dapat memahami dan menggunakan betuk-bentuk waktu
                 pada kalimat sederhana.

Tenses terdiri atas :

(bentuk waktu kini yang dilakukan setiap hari sederhana)

                                               Subject + Verb 1 (s/es) + Complement

      Rumus: +Positive                                       

a.    The simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang benar pada waktu yang lampau, benar diwaktu sekarang, dan benar juga diwaktu yang akan datang. Bentuk kata kerja ini menggunakan kata kerja asal (infinitive), tetapi mendapat akhiran s atau es apabila subyeknya ketiga tunggal dalam kalimat berita (Affirmative sentence).
Misalnya :        a) Iron sinks in water.
                        b) Oil floats on water
                        c) The sun rises in the east.
                        d) Water consists hydrogen and oxygen.
                        e) The world is round.
                        f) Dogs bark.

b.    The simple present tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan-kebiasaan atau kegiatan sehari-hari.
MIsalnya :       a) He drinks coffee every morning
                        b) Tono smokes Djarum.
                        c) I study for two days every morning.
                        d) My classes begin at nine.
                        e) Tina writes a letter twice a month.
                        f) He always eats rice for lunch.
                        g) He often go to the beach.

c.    Bentuk waktu itu juga digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang.
Misalnya :        a) John leaves tomorrow.
                        b) Father arrives next week.
                        c) The bus leaves at 9 a.m tomorrow.

d.    Dalam kalimat menyangkal (Negative sentence), bentuk waktu ini memakai  kata kerja Bantu do not (don’t) atau does not (doesn’t) yang aartinya “tidak” serta predikatnya kata kerja asal (infinitive).

                                                               Subject + don’t/doesn’t + Complement

Rumus: - Negative
Misalnya :        a) I don’t smoke.
                        b) He doesn’t drink coffee.
                        c) They don’t play sport.
                        d) It doesn’t  often rain.

e.    Dalam kalimat bertanya (Introgative sentence) menempatkan kata kerja Bantu DO dan DOES pada awal kalimat yang bentuknya pertanyaan. Predikatnya juga kata kerja asal (infinitive).

                                                     Do/Does  + Subject  +  Complement

         Rumus: ? Introgative
 Misalnya :        a) Do you have a bicycle right now ?
                        b) Does your father drink coffee in the afternoon ?
                        c) Does she often go to market ?
                        d) Do they play sports ?
                        e) Does it often rain in Parepare ?
(1)      Akhiran  s dan es pada kata kerja  yang subyeknya ketiga tunggal dihilangkan dalam kalimat menyangkal (Negative sentence) dan kalimat bertanya ( Interrogative sentence).
(2)      Kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja TO  BE (is, am, are) sebagai predikat, dalam kalimat menyangkal tidak memakai kata kerja Bantu don’t atau doesn’t cukup  is, am, are di tambah not, seperti is not (isn’t), am not dan are not (aren’t) .
         Misalnya :           a)  He is an English teacher.
                                          He is not an English teacher
                                          or: He isn’t an English teacher.
                                    b)  I am busy. (I’m busy)
                                         I am not busy. (I’m not busy)
                                    c)  They are students. (They’re students)
                                         They are not students. (They aren’t students).
(3)      Begitupula dalam kalimat bertanya, cukup kata kerja to be (is, am, dan are) ditempatkan pada awal pertanyaan :
         Misalnya :           a) Is he an English teacher ?
                                    b) Are they students ?
                                    c) Am I late ?
                                    d) Are you busy ?
 (4)      Tanda waktu yang digunakan:
§  Always                     = selalu
§  Every day    = setiap hari
§  Every week = setiap minggu
§  Some times = kadang-kadang
§  Now days    = saat sekarang
§  Usually         = biasanya
§  Normally      = biasanya
§  Generally     = umumnya
§  Often                       = sering kali
§  As a rule      = lazimnya
§  Now and than          = kadang kala
§  Seldom        = jarang  dst.


1. He never goes by plane/
2. I often meet him.
3. You are a good student.
4. Linda always come late.
5. I know him well.
6. I have only two dollars right now.
7. He needs your help.
8. She takes a bath early.
9. They walk to school everyday.
10. My father prefers tea to coffee.

Put the verbs between brackets into the present tense.

               Example :   Budi (like) detective stories.
                                    Budi likes detective stories.

1. Friday (come) after Thursday.
2. We (go) to the library twice a week.
3. Tina and I (speak) English everyday.
4. The earth (be)a planet.
5. Mr. Hamid (teach) we chemistry.
6. I  think you (be) a first year students.
7. The sun (set) in the west.
8. She (have) only a few stamps.
9. Joni (live) in Bali.
10. Most animals (kill) only for food.

Put the following sentences into the negative form.
               Example :   Iwan stays here during the holiday.
                                    Iwan doesn’t stay here during the holiday.

1. John eats rice for lunch.
2. She has many flowers.
3. You likes oranges.
4. Miss Lidia is a secretary.
5. I want to leave now.
6. He speaks English fluently.
7. Betty plays badminton.
8. She does the homework in the afternoon.
9. I have only five dollars.
10. The babies often cry.
Put the following sentences into interrogative form.
               Misalnya :  They walk to school.
                                     Do they walk to the school ?
                                    Amat loves her.
                                    Does Amat love her ?
1. You have a bicycle.
2. Rina lives in Surabaya.
3. Those animals are reptiles.
4. She is a good cook.
5. He always helps me.
6. Cobras are poisonous snakes.
7. The boy understands the lesson.
8. His father take a job in the bank.
9. Mr. Mamat teaches them English.
10. Hasan cleans his room before going to school.
Answer the following questions according to the given mark.
               Example :   Do you know him well ?  (+)
                                     Yes I know him well.
                                     Does your sister speak French ?  (-)
                                     No she doesn’t speak French.
1. Are those apples expensive ?  (+)
2. Do you have breakfast at five ? (-)
3. Does she have many stamps ?  (-)
4. Is the box empty ?    (+)
5. Do the children play football ?   (-)
6. Does Mrs. Mamat teach you ?  (-)
7. Are the girls hungry and tired ?  (+)
8. Is that an English dictionary ?  (-)
9. Are you second year students ?  (-)
10 Does he go to school on foot ?  (+)
(Bentuk waktu kini sedang berlangsung)
or The Present Progressive Tense

                                               Subject + To be + Verb 1 (ing) + Complement

      Rumus: +Positive

·         Bentuk waktu ini digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung pada saat kita berbcara. Benuk kalimatnya memakai kata kerja pembantu  is, am, dan are sertapredikatnya kata kerja yang berakhiran ing.
            Misalnya :        a) He is reading the newspaper.
                                    b) You are making kite.
                                    c) I am doing my homework.

·         Bentuk waktu ini dapat dipakai untuk menyatakan seauatu yang dimulai pada waktu lampau, masih berlanjut sekarang, dan mugkin akan berakhir pada saat tertentu diwaktu yang akan datang.
            MIsalnya ;       a) Hamid is sleeping right now.
                                    b) I need an umbrella because it is raining.
                                    b) Budi and Tina are talking on the telephone.

·         The present continuous tense dapat juga dipakai untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang seringkali kegiatannya bersifat umum, atau sesuatu yang berlangsung minggu ini, bulan ini, dan mungkin pula tahun ini.
            Misalnya :        a) I’m taking an English course this semester.
                                    b) Budi is trying to mend his life.
                                    c) She is writing another book this year.

·         Apabila dalam kalimat menyangkal (Negative sentence), kata kerja Bantu is, am, are ditambah not ; is not (isn’t), am not, (‘m not) dan are not (aren’t).

                                         Subject + To be (not) + Verb 1 (ing) + Complement

    Rumus: -Negative
             Misalnya :        a) I’m not  taking an English course this semester.
                                    b) Budi isn’t trying to mend his life.
                                    c) She is not writing another book this year.

·         Sedangkan bentuk waktu ini dalam kalimat bertanya (Interrogative sentence), to be (is, am, are) sebagai kata keja Bantu ditempatkan pada awal pertayaan.

                                              To be + Subject + Verb 1 (ing) + Complement

    Rumus: ?Introgative
 MIsalnya :       a) Are you having a rest ?
-          Yes, I’m having rest.
-          No, I’m not having rest.
                        b) Is Amina writing a letter ?
                              - Ye, she is writing a letter.
                              - No, she isn’t writing a letter.
                        c) Are you and Tina taking an English course this
                            semester ?
                                - Yes, we are.
                                - No, we aren’t.

v  Keterangan waktu yang digunakan:
How  long                    = berapa lama
For                               = selama
All day                         = sepanjang hari
A long day                   = sepanjang hari
The whole day                        = sepanjang hari
Since                           = semenjak, sejak
All afternoon                = sepanjang sore, selama sore

Put the verbs between brackets into the present continuous tense.
            Example :        They (listen) to the music now.
                                    They are listening to the music now.
1. It (rain) at thismoment.
2. He generally sings in Indonesia, but today he (sing) in English.
3. The sun rises in the east ; now it (set) and night (fall).
4. The baby (cry) because it is hungry now.
5. What’s mother doing ? She (cook).
6. The children (play) football now.
7. Look ! it (snow).
8. I (read) the magazine.
9. The teacher (talk) with Haris and Halim.
10. Tini (read) a very good book at present.


Put the following sentence into the Negative or Introgative form.
1. Mr. Budi is smoking a cigarette now.
2. John and Merry are walking to school now.
3. He is speaking English with the tourist.
4. They are waiting for us.
5. His sister is mending his socks.
6. I am watching a television.
7. We are correcting our work.
8. The maid is cleaning my room.
9. MY brother and I are washing our father’s car.
10. The secretary is typing the letter.


Give long answers to the following questions. Put the given words in your answer.
            Example :        Which lesson are you studying now ?  Lesson 2
                                    = I’m studying lesson 2.

1. Who is playing chess with you ?  Budi
2. Where are you reading the magazine ?  in the living room
3. Who are they talking with ?  us
4. What are you washing ?  the trousers
5. Which pen are you using  ? the red pen.
6. Where are the boys  swimming ? at the swimming pool
7. How is he driving his new car ? carefully
8. Whom are you teaching ?  The children
9. Who is playing the piano /  Rina
10. What are you mending ?  the fence
(Bentuk waktu yang akan datang)
With “shall” and “will”

                                           Subject + Shall / Will + Verb I

Rumus: + Positive
Misalnya :        - I shall write a letter.
                        - I will write a letter.
                        - If today is Wednesday, tomorrow will be Thursday.
                        - You will be in time if you hurry.
                        - You will be in time unless you hurry.

·         The future tense dipakai untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan/peristiwa yang akan terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang.
            Misalnya :
                        - The election will take place tomorrow.
                        - I shall be twenty one next month.
                        - John won’t be here tonight.
·         “will” di gunakan untuk orang pertama tunggal (first person singular), atau orang pertama jamak (first person plural) ; I dan we untuk menyatakan  kemauan , persetujuan  atau janji.
            Example :        - I shall write a letter. (akan menulis)
                                    - I will write a ltter.  (mau, setuju, berjanji menulis surat).

            Other example :      -    All right, I will come.
-      I won’t do it again.
-      We’ll pay back the money soon.
·         Sedangkan “shall” dangan I atau we sebagai kata kerja Bantu dipakai untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang .                       
Subject + Shall not / Will not  + Verb I


Rumus: - Negative

            Misalnya :        - I shall not write a letter.
                        - I will not write a letter.
                        - If today is Wednesday, tomorrow will not be Friday.
                        - You will not be in time if you hurry.
                        - You won’t (will not) be in time unless you hurry.
                        Abbreated forms (Bentuk2  singkatan)
                                                Will                  = ‘ll (untuk orang I,II, dan III )
                                                Will not            = won’t /wount/
                                                Shall not          = shan’t /syant/

 Shall / Will + Subject + Verb I ?

Rumus: ? Introgative 

            Misalnya :        - Shall I  write a letter?
                                    - Will you sleep there?
                                    - Will he sit here for rest?
                                    - Will Ainun cook in your house?

v  Keterangan waktu yang digunakan:
If                      = jika
When               = ketika
While               = sementara
Soon                = segera
To night           = ketika
Tomorrow       = besok
Before             = sebelum
After                = setelah
This Afternoon            = selama
Next week       = minggu depan
Next month     = bulan depan
Next year        = tahun depan
Next Sunday   = hari minggu depan


Put the bracketed verb into the Future Tense. Some can use “will” and “shall”.
                        Example :        All right, I (help) you.
                                                All right, I will help you.

                                                I (visit) my grandparents.
                                                I shall visit my grandparents.

1. If you study hard, you (be) successful.
2. Jojon (send) me a letter.
3. What you (do) if you oversleep ?
4. I (not see) her any more.
5. Budi and I (be) there in half an hour.
6. Tina (return) the book tomorrow.
7. I (buy) a piece of land.
8. I (come) if he invites me.
9.The boys (play) football this afternoon.
10. What you (do) if you leave school ?
11. He (buy) a new bike tomorrow.
12. Your parents (visit) you next Sunday.
13. David (not go) to the meeting.
14. Who (water)  the plants.
15. She (type) the letter.

Put the following sentences into the interrogative form.
                        Example :        He will allow you to go.
                                                Will he allow you to go ?

1. The baby will cry if it is hungry.
2. You will stay there.
3. She will keep quiet if you make fun of her.
4. They will invite me tomorrow.
5. Rina will enjoy the trip.
6. She will go to the beach if it doesn’t rain.
7. Your father will ask you o stay.
8. We shall know it later.
9. Tina will practice speaking English.
10. I shall get into trouble if we aren’t careful.

Put the following sentences into the negative form.
                        Example :        He will come here.
                                                He won’t come here.

1. My elder brother will move to Semarang.
2. I will see her anymore.
3. The boy will go for a picnic.
4. Jojon and I will solve our problem.
5. You will buy the dictionary.
6. I shall lend him money.
7. Tuti will ring you up.
8. She will treat you.
9. The students will play football.
10. I shall stay indoors if it rains.

(bentuk waktu lampau sederhana)

Subject + Verb II + Complement
Rumus: + Positive

Bentuk lampau ini dipakai untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang dilakukan atau suatu yang terjadi pada waktu lampau, baik yang dinyatakan secara tertulis maupun dengan lisan.

·         Dalam kalimat berita (Affirmatife sentence), bentuk waktu ini predikatnya digunakan kata kerja bentuk ke 2 (past tense).
               Example :     1. He wrote a letter last night.
                                    2. She washed her own dresses.
                                    3. It rained yesterday.
                                    4. You bought a new bike a year ago.
                                    5. I made a mistake.

                                              Subject + did not + Verb I + O/Complement


Rumus: - Negative

·         Dalam kalimat menyangkal (Negative sentence), the Simple Past Tense, memakai kata kerja bantu did not atau didn’t dalam arti “tidak” yang di tempatkan  di depan kata kerja pokok (Infinitive verb).
               Example :     1. He didn’t write a letter last night.
                                    2. She didn’t wash her own dresses.
                                    3. It didn’ rain yesterday.
                                    4. You didn’ buy a new bike a year ago.
                                    5. I didn’t make a mistake.

                                                    Did + Subject + Verb I + O/Complement


Rumus: ? Introgative  

·         Dalam kalimat bertanya (Interrogative sentence), bentuk waktu ini memakai kata kerja Bantu (Auxiliary verb) Did (=apakah/…. Kah) yang ditempatkan pada awal kalimat bertanya (pertanyaan), serta predikatnya dipakai kata kerja dasar (infinitive verb).
               Example :     1. Did he write a letter last night.
                                    2. Did she wash her own dresses ?
                                    3. Did it rain yesterday ?
                                    4. Did you buy a new bike a year ago ?
                                    5. Did I make a mistake ?
·         Apabila suatu kalimat di bentuk dari dua bagian kalimat yang keduanya dalam simple Past Tense, peristiwa dalam anak kalimat yang didahului dengan when terjadi lebih dahulu.
               Example :     1. The rain began.
                                    2. I stood under a tree.
                                     = I stood under the tree when the rain began.
               Contoh-contoh lain (other example) :
1.    When she heard a strange nose, she got up to investigate.
2.    When I dropped my cup, the coffee spilled on my lap.
3.    I went out when my father arrived.

v  Keterangan waktu yang digunakan:
Yesterday                       = kemarin
Yesterday night              = kemarin malam
Last night                        = semalam
Last week                       = minggu lalu
Last mount                     = bulan lalu
Last year                        = tahun lalu
Put the bracketed verbs into the simple Past Tense.
               Example :     She (enjoy) the trip.
                                    She enjoyed the trip.

1. He (buy) some eggs yesterday.
2. The wind (blow) strongly yesterday.
3. She (come) early.
4. The servant (light) the fire when I came in.
5. Someone (steal) the diamond ring half an hour ago.
6. He (do) his work well.
7. The prisoner (run) away last night.
8. Little Jojon (be) born seven years ago.
9. I (keep) my handkerchiefs in the drawer.
10. We (meet) them outside the cinema last night.
Put the following sentence into the interrogative form.
               Example :     He taught the boys English
                                    Did he teach the boys English ?

1. I got up at five this morning.
2. My younger brother took the examination yesterday.
3. She met him in the park.
4. John went to the cinema last night.
5. He began to learn English when he was nice.
6. The policeman stopped the car.
7. I had a cold three days ago.
8. Iwan did his last homework yesterday.
9. Mr. and Mrs. Rahmat took a walk three hours ago.
10. He drank a cup of coffee this morning.

Put the following sentences into the negative form.
               Example :     He sent the letter two days ago.
                                    He didn’t send the letter two days ago.
1. They understood the lesson.
2. Toni bought the watch yesterday.
3. On my way to school I saw an accident.
4. The maid  broke two of my dinner plates.
5. George did his work in the morning.
6. The servant looked the gate before ten o’clock.
7. The bird fly high in the sky.
8. It cost Rp 10. 000.
9. The boy jumped over the fence.
10. I had bike two years ago.

(=Bentuk waktu kini selesai)
The present perfect tense di bentuk dengan :
Have (has) +past participle (k. kerja bentuk ke-3
Subject + has / have + Verb III + O/Complement
Rumus: + Positive

Bentuk waktu ini dipakai untuk menyatakan :
·         Sesuatu yang telah dilakukan atau suatu peristiwa yang telah terjadi pada waktu lampau, namun yang ditekankan bukan waktu terjadinya, melainkan hasil atau akibat dari pekerjaan atau peristiwa  tersebut.
Example :        1. He has done his work.
                        2. Budi has moved to Surabaya.
                        3. I have read this book.
                        4. Amina has written a letter.
                        5. The rain has stopped /stopt/.

                                        Subject + has not/have not + Verb III + Complement

Rumus: - Negative
·         Dalam kalimat menyangkal (Negative form), kata kerja Bantu have/has ditambah not ;have not (haven’t) dan has not (hasn’t) dalam arti ‘belum’ Boleh juga ditempatkan ‘yet’ pada akhir kalimat.
Example :        1. He hasn’t done his work yet.
                        2. Budi hasn’t moved/muvd/ to Surabaya yet).
                        3. I haven’t read /red/ this book yet.
                        4. She hasn’t written a letter yet.
                        5. The rain hasn’t stopped/stopt/ yet.

Has/Have + subject + Verb III + Complement
Rumus: ? Introgative 
·         Dalam kalimat bertanya interrogative sentence) kata kerja Bantu have atau has ditempatkan pada awal kalimat (pertanyaan). Lebih baik lagi menambah kata ‘yet’ pada akhir kalimat (pertanyaan).
Example :        1. Has he done his work yet ?
                        2. Has Budi moved to Surabaya yet ?
                        3. Have you read this book yet ?
                        4. Has Amina written a letter yet ?
                        5. Has therain stopped yet ?
·         Sesuatu yang telah dimulai pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai sekarang. Bentuk kalimat ini biasanya memakai keterangan waktu (Adverb of time) yang diawali dengan ‘since’ /sins/’ (sejak) atau ‘for’ (selama).
         Example :     1. He has lived in Pare-pare since 1982.
                              or : He has lived in Pare-pare for seven years.
                              2. I have used this car for years. (I still use it).
                              3. She has studied English for two years. (she still studies English)
                              4. John has been ill since yesterday.
                              or : John has been ill for two days.
Other example :          > How long have you lived in Parepare ?
                                    = I have lived in Parepare since 1987. (for two years)
                                    > How long has he done his work ?
                                    = for two hours.
                                    > How long has Tina studied English ?
                                    = for about a year.

Put the bracketed verbs into the present Perfect Tense.
               Example :     I (know) her for two years.
                                     I have known her for two years.

1. He has (come) from a long journey.
2. Iwan never (be) to Japan.
3. We (finish) our work. We are tired.
4. Rini (understand) the lesson.
5. My parents (advise) not to go alone.
6. I (send) her bunch of flower.
7. My uncle (be) here since last January.
8. Mr. Bill (move) into a new house.
9. My brother (pass) the exam.
10. You (break) my pen.

Put the following sentences into the interrogative form.
               Example :     She has been here before.
                                    Has she been here before ?

1. You have finished your lunch.
2. She has broken the dish.
3. They have tried that restaurant.
4. Mr. Agus has left for Australia.
5. I have often seen them on the street.
6. Anto has already done his homework.
7. Linda has bought the magazine.
8. He has spoken to me about it repeatedly.
9. The raiin has been down.
10. I have read that book.

Put the following sentences into the Negative form.
               Example :     He has found his watch.
                                    He hasn’t found his watch.

1. Tina has read this Novel.
2. The boy has asked me for help.
3. She has rung me up.
4. I have seen him for more than a week.
5. He has been here since yesterday.
6. She has sent me a letter.
7. I have spoken to him about it.
8. They have visited us.
9. Budi has seen that film.
10. She has done her homework.

Answer the following sentences according to the given marks.
               Example :     Has she been here before ? (-)
                                    No, she hasn’t been here before.
                                    Have you ever seen that film before ? (-)
                                    No, I have never seen it before.
                                    Has your father come home ? (+)
                                    Yes, my father has come home.

1. Have they done their work ? (+)
2. Has your brother read this novel ? (-)
3. Have the girls finished knitting ? (-)
4. Have you fed the chickens ? (+)
5. Has Tono found his wallet ? (-)
6. Has uncle Tom visited you ? (-)
7. Have you posted the letter ? (+)
8. Have your parents been here before ? (+)
9. Has Tini returned the book ? (-)
10. Have you watered the flowers ? (+)

Rounded Rectangular Callout: “Do well have well ”

mengerjakan hal-hal yang baik akan menghasilkan kebaikan.


Objective: Siswa dapat memperkenalkan diri kepada orang lain dan     
                  mampu menayakan identitas orang lain.

Good afternoon, everybody. (ladies and gentlemen)
I’m standing here is to introduce a little about myself.

Ø    my name is Ainun.
Ø    I’m from Parepare (or : I come from Parepare)
Ø    I was born on the seventh of April, nineteen sixty nine, in Parepare.
Ø    I’m a student. I go to school at the SD 34 (or Elementary School 34) Parepare.
Ø    I’m in the sixth year (or: I’m in form sixth)
Ø    I live in Lumpue. / I live on (in) jalan Pinggir Laut / I live at number 18 (eighteen) Jl. Pinggir laut in Parepare. / I live at number 18,

Ø    My hobby is playing chess. / My hobbies are hunting and fishing.
Other hobbies : (hobbi lainnya)
> painting                                            = melukis
> gardening                                         = berkebun
> growing flowers                               = menanam bunga
> knitting  / niting/                                = merajuk
> collecting stamps                             = mengumpulkan perangko
> swimming                                        = berenang
> jogging                                             = lari-lari santai /lari – lari  pagi  
> fishing                                              = memancing
> playing tennis                                   = main tennis
> scouting / camping                          = kepramukaan,  dll. (etc)
Ø    My favourite colour is green.  / My favourites colours are green and yellow.
Ø    That’s all, thank you.

1)        Excuse me. What’s your name, please ?
         = My name’s Yumri.
2)        Where are you from ?  (or: where do you come from ?)
         = I’m from Parepare.     = I come from Parepare.
3)        When and where were you born ?
         = I was born on the thirty first of May 1992, in Parepare.
         (I was born in May the thirty first , 1992, in Parepare).
4)        What are you ? (what’s your job ? / what’s your occupation ?)
         = I’m a student. I go to school at the SD 34. I’m in the sixth year.
5)        Where do you live ?     (what’s your address ?)
         = I live at number eighteen jalan Pinggir Laut, in Parepare.
6)        What’s your hobby ?  (what are your hobbies  ?)
         = My hobby is fishing.  (My hobbies are fishing and reading)
7)        What’s your favourite colour ?  / (what are your favourite colours ?)
         = My favourite colour is brown   
         = My favourite colours are green and brown
8)        How old are you ?
         = I’m ten (years old)
9)        Where did you grow up ?
         = I grew up in Parepare.
10)      What’s your religion ?
         = I’m a Moslem.  (a Christian , a Buddhist)
11)      Where do you work ?
         = I work at the Department of agriculture
         = I’m sorry I haven’t got any job. (I’m jobless)
12)      What’s your telephone number ?
         = I’m sorry. I haven’t got a telephone. (I don’t have a telephone).
13)      How many are you in your family ?
         = We are five (in our family)
14)      How many brothers and sisters do you have ?
         = I have one brother and two sisters.
15)      Are your parent’s still alive ?
         = Yes they are.  / No. they were dead.
         = My father still alive, but my mother was dead.
16)      Is your father still alive ?
         = Yes he is                                 = No, he was dead.
         And your mother ?
         = So is she.                                = Neither is she .
17)      What is your father ?
         = He’s farmer.  (civil servant,  a soldier, a policeman) etc
18)      Do you study English  ?
         = Yes I take English course at night. (in the afternoon)
19)      Where do you take English course ?
         = On Jalan H.A. Arsyad.  ( on H.A. Arsyad street)
20)      Who is your English teacher ?  (who is your teacher of English)
         = Mr. Asnur is.
21)      How often do you have classes ?
= Twice a week usually.
22)     On what days do you take English course ?
= On Wednesday and Friday.
23)      What time does the course start ?
= Its start from seven to eight  ( ….. from 7 to 8)
24)      How long have you been studying English ? (….. taking English course)
= For about two months.
25)      Why do you study English ?
= I study English because I want to be good at English
= because I plane to go abroad.
         = because I want to be a teacher of English.
         = because I plane to continue my study  in overseas country.
         = because I want to be good at English besides I plan to looking for a   job
26)      You play sport, don’t you  ?
= Yes I do.   / Yes. I play Table tennis.   / No. I don’t
27)      What sport do you play ?
= I play table tennis
28)      Do you belong to the table tennis club ?
= yes. I do.   ( No. I don’t)
29)      What’s the name of your table tennis club ?
= “SMART”,  It’s called.
30)      Do you have a TV set at home ?
= Yes, I do.
31)      What kind of TV is it ?
= It’s  a colour one.
32)     What brand is it ?
= It’s a National.
33)      Would you tell me the size ?
= It’s twenty inches.
34)      What do you usually do before going to bed ?
= Usually I watch television.
35)      What programs do you like best ?
= I like news program, especially world news.
36)      What about entertainment ?
= I like some serial films, songs but I like news best.
1)         There are many TV announcers. Do you have a favourite announcer ?
   = Yes, I do.
2)         Please tell me who your favourite announcer is.
         = My favourite announcer is Najua Shihab.
3)         Who do you usually watch television with ?
         = Usually I watch  with my sisters and brothers.
4)         Do you like going to the cinema ?  (….. to the movies ? )
         = Yes, I do.   ( No, I don’t)
5)         What kinds of films do you like ?
         = I like drama , Comedy, Kung fu, Romance.
6)         Who is your favourite film star  ?
         = Silvester Stallone, Jennifer Beals, Jacky Chen and Basuki.
7)         Which theatres  do you usually go to ?
         = I usually go to Sejahtera and Pare theatre.
8)         Do you go the cinema every month ?
         = Yes, I do.
9)         How often do you go to the cinema a month ?
         = Once, or twice  a month. How about you ?
10)      So do I.
11)      Do you eat breakfast every morning ?
         = Yes, I do.
12)      What time do you have (eat) breakfast each morning ?
         = Sometimes have it at six thirty (06.30) and sometimes I have it at seven o’clock (07.00).
13)      What time did you have  breakfast this morning ?
         = I had it at about (06.30), how about you? Are you used to have breakfast ?
14)      Yes, I’m, but not every morning. By the way, what do you usually have for breakfast?
         = I have a peace of bread and a cup of coffee. How about you?
         Do you have a big breakfast or a light one?
15)      I have a light one. I usually have a light breakfast.
16)      What do you usually do in spare time?
         = Do you mean at home?
17)      Yes, that’s what I mean.
         = I read, have a chat with my sisters and brothers, listen to music and watch television.
18)      You like reading, don’t you?
= Yes, I do.
19)      Please tell me what do you like to read ?
         = I like magazine, novels and newspaper.
20)      What other things do you do besides reading ?
          = Well, I listen to music.
21)      What kind of music do you like ?
         = Like country and jazz.
22)      Are they your favourite music ?
         = Yes, they are.
23)      Don’t you like pop music ?
         = I like it too.
24)      Excuse me, I have some questions.
         = Yes, what are they  ?
25)      When we meet person we know, what must we great them ?
         = Well, it depends on the time you meet them.
            In the morning you say ‘Good morning’
            In the afternoon you say ‘Good afternoon’.
            In the evening you say ‘Good evening’.
26)       When do we say good night ?
         = When children, boys or girls go to bed, they usually have to say ‘Good night’ to their parents.
27)      What is the meaning of ‘Have a good night’ ?
         = It’s means ‘sleep well’.




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